How to Maintain Connections as an Absent Parent

The key thing in this article is that despite being an absent parent, you are one who wants to develop or maintain a connection to your children. Having the will to make it work in spite of the challenges this presents is the key. How specifically you will[…]

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Areas Covered:

Calming a Child with ADHD

ADHD is made up of two key challenging disorders. Attention deficit and hyperactivity. Both of these disorders can exist without the other, meaning that someone can have attention deficit without being hyperactive or they can be hyperactive without attention deficit. A few years ago, I was approached by[…]

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Areas Covered:

Resolving Friendship Problems in the Classroom

As we have known for sometime, it can be a challenge to focus on our work when we have other emotional problems that we are simultaneously attempting to resolve in our minds. There is only a small number of things we can do at the same time and[…]

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Areas Covered:

Creating Motivation to Change in Teenagers

Once upon a time there was a lovely communicative child who had a great desire to please their parents and enjoyed playing with their younger siblings. One night they went to bed and when they woke up the next morning, to the parents horror, the child had turned[…]

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Areas Covered:

Overcoming School Anxiety

Typically (though not always) school anxiety occurs after a transition. That transition could be from nursery to primary school, from primary to secondary school (most common) or after a change of schools as a result of a change of circumstances (such as moving house to a new area[…]

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Areas Covered:

Making School Transition Seamless

More schools are becoming aware of the importance of helping children transition from primary to secondary school and how vast the change in environment can feel for some pupils. There is often some distinct sensory differences between the two environments. Primary schools tend to be quieter, with less[…]

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