How to Ask for Help (Without Making It Weird!)

Rule number one when asking for help is don’t apologise for asking for help don’t do that because it puts you in a position of seeming as if you’ve done something wrong and actually when you ask for help you’re not doing anything wrong so you don’t need[…]

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Areas Covered:

Stop Being So Pink! 

The reason why I’m talking to you about the colour pink is because to me pink is not just a colour. Pink is a way in which some people think – I’ve noticed that there are some young people that I work with in Hemel Hempstead (I’m going[…]

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Areas Covered:

Why You Should Self-Reflect

Self-reflection is the process of looking inside of yourself and evaluating the things that you have done, and decisions that you’ve made and being able to think about what you might do differently next time or to even think about what you did well that you’re quite chuffed[…]

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Areas Covered:

Coping with Changes

If you have that sense of dread, fear or worry about the changes that are coming in your direction what I want to share with you today are some strategies to help you be able to cope so that you can actually deal with it and get on[…]

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Areas Covered:

Are You Telling the Truth?

When you are less mature in your thinking it is very easy to believe that life is one thing or the other, like people are either telling the truth or they’re lying and that’s just all there is to it! There are normally three versions of the truth,[…]

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Areas Covered:

Children and Young People: Stop Comparing Yourself!

I’m going to be discussing about how to avoid comparing yourself with others making yourself feel rubbish. If you are someone who is constantly getting sucked into the world of comparing yourself to other people and making yourself feel bad about it. Firstly, let me say that making[…]

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Areas Covered:

Are You a NEEDY Friend?

I’m going to be speaking to you about getting the balance right in your friendships! If you have ever been in a situation where it’s felt like you’ve been a bit more invested in a friendship than the other person and that maybe then you started to get[…]

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Areas Covered:

Music, TV and Computer Games

I joined a gym recently (that in itself is a revelation trust me!). As I was jogging away, I was listening to a podcast on my iPhone. I do this because I don’t always like to listen to the music that is blaring in the gym. However I[…]

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Areas Covered:

Selective Mutism

Something I encountered for the first time many years ago (but didn’t have a “label” for yet) is selective mutism. The symptoms of this are characterised when a child who has an ability to communicate verbally does not. Often the child will have to be coaxed and encouraged[…]

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Areas Covered:

Helping Shy Children to Become More Outgoing

Shyness is a challenge for many young children in Hertfordshire, luckily it tends to get better with age, however here are a few ideas as to how you can start to improve your child’s confidence now. Labeling your child as “shy” could be giving them a title to[…]

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