Effective Ways to Manage Stress for Teens: Tips and Activities

Have you ever felt like stress is trying to rain on your parade? If so, don’t worry – there are plenty of fun and practical ways to manage stress and keep those gloomy days at bay! Stress can feel like an overwhelming force that makes you anxious or[…]

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How to Stop Hating: Children & Young People

This article talks about how to get rid of your feelings of hatred whether this is towards a friend, family member or sibling. If there are a couple of siblings who hate each other and who are constantly fighting – you don’t need to learn to completely love[…]

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Stop Holding A Grudge

I’m going to be telling you all about how it is that you can stop yourself from holding a grudge because grudges are not nice. If you don’t know what I’m talking about when I say holding a grudge I mean holding on to bad feelings directed towards[…]

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The Benefits of Scheduling

This article will talk about the benefits of having a schedule. I’m going to give you five reasons why having a schedule is a very good idea. When you are at school, you are working by a schedule that somebody has set out for you. It’s not something[…]

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How to Get More of What You Want!

I’m going to be sharing with you how to get what you want! In the pursuit of getting what you want, it needs to fall within the rules of ecology. This means that, first of all, what you want needs to be good for you. Secondly, it needs[…]

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I’m going to be sharing with you what you need to do when you get stuck and you get into that brain jam of thinking that you can’t do something. It’s one of the stages that most parents will say that their child goes through at a very[…]

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Ask More Questions!

I want to talk to you about getting the full picture on stuff we’ve sort of talked a little bit about this before but there was just this really good example of it that cropped up in my own life today something that made me want to ask[…]

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 Stop Being a Perfectionist!

I’m going to be talking to you about when perfectionism might not be doing you any favours. The downside of being a perfectionist is that it does create additional pressure on you. There are times when that might be useful because stress can be something that really motivates[…]

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