May 27 2016

There was once a news article in the London news in which they were studying the prices people paid for abstract art. As an experiment, they got some very young children (under the age of 5) to create some paintings. The paintings were of the same quality as[…]

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May 3 2016

There’s a great Ted Talk by Mellody Hobson in which she talks about equality and diversity. In the video she acknowledges the solution to the Small Pox epidemic, as coming from a dairy farmer. Can you image all of the scientists and health leaders coming together to try[…]

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Mar 31 2016

Books can take us to another land. They have the potential to evoke an imagination that brings the unreal to life and can captivate the hearts and minds of even the most uninterested readers. Great storytellers have been sharing their surreal worlds with young minds for centuries. And[…]

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Feb 29 2016

Maths is still considered to be one of the most challenging subjects (and yet most important), taught in schools today. What makes maths so difficult to grasp? Part of the problem is hereditary and I don’t mean in the genetic sense. Many young people have inherited their parents[…]

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Feb 1 2016

Some children do not grow up with the stability of family life. Although orphanages no longer exist in the UK in the way they used to (children would now tend to be fostered, adopted or placed in children’s homes) there are still orphanages elsewhere in the world. In[…]

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Dec 22 2015

The 2012/13 NCMP (National Child Measurements Programme) report shows obesity rates in Year 6 (pupils aged 10-11 years) to be 20.4% for boys and 17.4% for girls. As the western world continues to expand its waistline, the victims of obesity appear to be growing younger with each passing[…]

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Mar 6 2015

Anger has it’s benefits, it gives us a source of energy, of release and in some cases even acknowledgement and attention. However anger is a great mask, especially in children. It is a process they use for communicating that which they cannot verbally say, perhaps because they have[…]

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Feb 13 2015

We can all remember being in that weird period of time between childhood and adulthood and for some young people, this transitioning time is particularly testing. There are all sorts of changes happening – physical, hormonal and even additional pressures academically which stress out teenagers. It would be[…]

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Aug 29 2014

Typically I am not a superstitious person. I don’t get caught up in “magical thinking” and yet having found out that we have made the finals for the Mum and Working Awards, I felt compelled to ask you to send us some good luck. Then I remembered the[…]

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Feb 1 2013

I joined a gym recently (that in itself is a revelation trust me!). As I was jogging away, I was listening to a podcast on my iPhone. I do this because I don’t always like to listen to the music that is blaring in the gym. However I[…]

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